oil change NISSAN VERSA HATCHBACK 2012 1.G Owners Manual

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The air conditioner system in your NISSAN ve-
hicle is charged with a refrigerant designed with
the environment in mind.
This refrigerant does not harm the earth’s
ozone layer.
Special charging equipment and lubricant is re-
quired when servicing your NISSAN air condi-
tioner. Using improper refrigerants or lubricants
will cause severe damage to your air conditioner
system. See “Air conditioner system refrigerant
and oil recommendations” in the “Technical and
consumer information” section of this manual.
A NISSAN dealer is able to service your “environ-
mentally friendly” air conditioning system.
The air conditioner system contains re-
frigerant under high pressure. To avoid
personal injury, any air conditioner ser-
vice should be done only by an experi-
enced technician with proper equipment.
Place the ignition switch in the ACC or ON
position and press the PWR button to turn the
radio on. If you listen to the radio with the engine
not running, the ignition switch should be placed
in the ACC position.
Radio reception is affected by station signal
strength, distance from radio transmitter, build-
ings, bridges, mountains and other external influ-
ences. Intermittent changes in reception quality
normally are caused by these external influences.
Using a cellular phone in or near the ve-
hicle may influence radio reception quality.
Radio reception
Your NISSAN radio system is equipped with
state-of-the-art electronic circuits to enhance ra-
dio reception. These circuits are designed to
extend reception range, and to enhance the qual-
ity of that reception.
However, there are some general characteristics
of both FM and AM radio signals that can affect
radio reception quality in a moving vehicle, even
when the finest equipment is used. These char-
acteristics are completely normal in a given re-
ception area and do not indicate any malfunction
in your NISSAN radio system.Reception conditions will constantly change be-
cause of vehicle movement. Buildings, terrain,
signal distance and interference from other ve-
hicles can work against ideal reception. De-
scribed below are some of the factors that can
affect your radio reception.
Some cellular phones or other devices may
cause interference or a buzzing noise to come
from the audio system speakers. Storing the de-
vice in a different location may reduce or elimi-
nate the noise.
Range: FM range is normally limited to 25 – 30 mi
(40 – 48 km) , with monaural (single channel) FM
having slightly more range than stereo FM. Exter-
nal influences may sometimes interfere with FM
station reception even if the FM station is within
25 mi (40 km) . The strength of the FM signal is
directly related to the distance between the
transmitter and receiver. FM signals follow a line-
of-sight path, exhibiting many of the same char-
acteristics as light. For example, they will reflect
off objects.
Fade and drift: As your vehicle moves away from
a station transmitter, the signals will tend to fade
and/or drift.
Display screen, heater, air conditioner, audio and phone systems4-17

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Seat beltsCheck that all parts of the seat belt
system (for example, buckles, anchors, adjusters
and retractors) operate properly and smoothly,
and are installed securely. Check the belt web-
bing for cuts, fraying, wear or damage.
Steering wheel Check for changes in the steer-
ing system, such as excessive freeplay, hard
steering or strange noises.
Warning lights and chimes Make sure all
warning lights and chimes are operating properly.
Windshield wiper and washer* Check that
the wipers and washer operate properly and that
the wipers do not streak.
Windshield defroster Check that the air
comes out of the defroster outlets properly and in
sufficient quantity when operating the heater or
air conditioner.
Under the hood and vehicle
The maintenance items listed here should be
checked periodically (for example, each time you
check the engine oil or refuel) .
Battery* Check the fluid level in each cell. It
should be between the MAX and MIN lines. Ve-
hicles operated in high temperatures or under
severe conditions require frequent checks of the
battery fluid level. Brake and clutch (if so equipped) fluid lev-
Make sure that the brake and clutch fluid
level is between the MIN and MAX lines on the
Engine coolant level* Check the coolant level
when the engine is cold.
Engine drive belts* Make sure the drive belts
are not frayed, worn, cracked or oily.
Engine oil level* Check the level after parking
the vehicle on a level surface with the engine off.
Wait more than 10 minutes for the oil to drain
back into the oil pan.
Exhaust system Make sure there are no loose
supports, cracks or holes. If the sound of the
exhaust seems unusual or there is a smell of
exhaust fumes, immediately have the exhaust
system inspected by a NISSAN dealer. See the
carbon monoxide warning in the “Starting and
driving” section of this manual.
Fluid leaks Check under the vehicle for fuel, oil,
water or other fluid leaks after the vehicle has
been parked for a while. Water dripping from the
air conditioner (if so equipped) after use is nor-
mal. If you should notice any leaks or if gasoline
fumes are evident, check for the cause and have
it corrected immediately. Radiator and hoses
Check the front of the
radiator and clean off any dirt, insects, leaves,
etc., that may have accumulated. Make sure the
hoses have no cracks, deformation, rot or loose
Underbody The underbody is frequently ex-
posed to corrosive substances such as those
used on icy roads or to control dust. It is very
important to remove these substances from the
underbody, otherwise rust may form on the floor
pan, frame, fuel lines and exhaust system. At the
end of winter, the underbody should be thor-
oughly flushed with plain water, in those areas
where mud and dirt may have accumulated. See
the “Appearance and care” section of this
Windshield–washer fluid* Check that there is
adequate fluid in the reservoir.
8-4Maintenance and do-it-yourself

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1. Park the vehicle on a level surface and applythe parking brake.
2. Start the engine and let it idle until it reaches operating temperature, then turn it off.
3. Remove the oil filler cap
Aby turning it
4. Place a large drain pan under the drain plug
B. 5. Remove the drain plug
Bwith a wrench by
turning it counterclockwise and completely
drain the oil.
If the oil filter is to be changed, remove and
replace it at this time. See “Changing engine
oil filter” later in this section.
● Prolonged and repeated contact with
used engine oil may cause skin cancer.
● Try to avoid direct skin contact with
used oil. If skin contact is made, wash
thoroughly with soap or hand cleaner
as soon as possible.
● Keep used engine oil out of reach of
● Be careful not to burn yourself. The en-
gine oil may be hot.
● Waste oil must be disposed of properly.
● Check your local regulations.
6. Clean and reinstall the drain plug and a new washer. Securely tighten the drain plug with
a wrench. Do not use excessive force. Drain plug tightening torque:
22 - 29 ft-lb (29 - 39 N·m )
7. Refill engine with recommended oil through the oil filler opening, then install the oil filler
cap securely.
See “Capacities and recommended
fuel/lubricants” in the “Technical and con-
sumer information” section of this manual for
drain and refill capacity.
The drain and refill capacity depends on the
oil temperature and drain time. Use these
specifications for reference only. Always use
the dipstick to determine when the proper
amount of oil is in the engine.
8. Start the engine. Check for leakage around the drain plug and oil filter. Correct as re-
9. Turn the engine off and wait more than 10 minutes. Check the oil level with the dipstick.
Add engine oil if necessary.
AOil filler cap
BOil drain plug
COil filter
8-10Maintenance and do-it-yourself

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The following are approximate capacities. The actual refill capacities may be slightly different. When refilling, follow the procedure
described in the “Maintenance and do-it-yourself” section to determine the proper refill capacity.
Capacity (Approximate)
U.S. measure Imp. measure Liter Recommended Fluids and Lubricants
Fuel 13-1/4 gal 11 gal 50.0 See “Fuel recommendation” later in this section.
Engine oil (drain and refill) *6 With oil
change 3-3/8 qt 2-7/8 qt 3.2
Genuine NISSAN engine oil *1
API grade SM *1
ILSAC grade GF-4 *1
Viscosity SAE 5W-30 *1
oil filter
change 3-1/8 qt 2-5/8 qt 3.0
Cooling system (with reservoir) 1-3/4 gal 1-1/2 gal 6.8 Genuine NISSAN Engine Coolant or equivalent in its quality *2
Manual transmission gear oil — —
—Genuine NISSAN Manual Transmission Fluid (MTF) HQ Multi
75W-85, or equivalent *3
Automatic transmission fluid Refill to the proper level according to the instruc-
tions in the “Maintenance and do-it-yourself”
section. *7 Genuine NISSAN Matic S ATF *4
Brake and clutch (if so equipped) fluid Genuine NISSAN Brake Fluid or equivalent DOT 3.
Multi-purpose grease ———NLGI No. 2 (Lithium soap base)
Air conditioning system refrigerant (if so equipped) ———HFC-134a (R-134a) *5
Air conditioning system oil (if so equipped) ———Genuine NISSAN A/C System Oil Type R or equivalent *5
Windshield-washer fluid 1-1/4 gal 1 gal4.5Genuine NISSAN Windshield Washer Concentrate Cleaner & Anti-
freeze or equivalent
*1: For further details, see “Recommended SAE viscosity number” in this section.
*2: Use Genuine NISSAN Engine Coolant or equivalent in its quality, in order to avoid possible aluminum corrosion within the engine cooling system caused by the use of non-genuine engine coolant. Note that any repairs for incidents within the engine cooling system while using non-genuine engine coolant may not be covered by the warranty
even if such incidents occurred during the warranty period.
*3: If Genuine NISSAN Manual Transmission Fluid (MTF) is not available, API GL-4, Viscosity SAE 75W-85 may be used as a temporary replacement. However, use Genuine NISSAN Manual Transmission Fluid (MTF) as soon as possible.
*4: Using automatic transmission fluid other than Genuine NISSAN Matic S ATF will cause deterioration in driveability and automatic transmission durability, and may damage the auto- matic transmission, which is not covered by the warranty.
*5: For further details, see “Air conditioner system (if so equipped) refrigerant and oil recommendations” in this section.
*6: For further details, see “Engine oil” in the “Maintenance and do-it-yourself” section of this manual.
*7 : See your NISSAN dealer or qualified workshop for service.
9-2Technical and consumer information

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Selecting the correct oil
It is essential to choose the correct grade, quality
and viscosity engine oil to ensure satisfactory
engine life and performance. See “Capacities
and recommended fuel/lubricants” earlier in this
section. NISSAN recommends the use of an
energy conserving oil in order to improve fuel
Select only engine oils that meet the American
Petroleum Institute (API) certification or Interna-
tional Lubricant Standardization and ApprovalCommittee (ILSAC) certification and SAE vis-
cosity standard. These oils have the API certifica-
tion mark on the front of the container. Oils which
do not have the specified quality label should not
be used as they could cause engine damage.Oil additives
NISSAN does not recommend the use of oil
additives. The use of an oil additive is not neces-
sary when the proper oil type is used and main-
tenance intervals are followed.
Oil which may contain foreign matter or has been
previously used should not be used.
Oil viscosity
The engine oil viscosity or thickness changes
with temperature. Because of this, it is important
to select the engine oil viscosity based on the
temperatures at which the vehicle will be oper-
ated before the next oil change. Choosing an oil
viscosity other than that recommended could
cause serious engine damage.
Selecting the correct oil filter
Your new NISSAN vehicle is equipped with a
high-quality genuine NISSAN oil filter. When re-
placing, use a genuine NISSAN oil filter or its
equivalent for the reason described in “Change
Change intervals
The oil and oil filter change intervals for your
engine are based on the use of the specified
quality oils and filters. Using engine oil and filters
that are not of the specified quality, or exceeding
recommended oil and filter change intervals
could reduce engine life. Damage to the engine
caused by improper maintenance or use of incor-
rect oil and filter quality and/or viscosity is not
covered by the NISSAN new vehicle limited war-
Technical and consumer information9-5

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Your engine was filled with a high-quality engine
oil when it was built. You do not have to change
the oil before the first recommended change
interval. Oil and filter change intervals depend
upon how you use your vehicle.
Operation under the following conditions may
require more frequent oil and filter changes:● repeated short distance driving at cold out-
side temperatures
● driving in dusty conditions
● extensive idling
● stop and go commuting
Refer to the “NISSAN Service and Maintenance
Guide” for the maintenance schedule.
The air conditioner system in your NISSAN
vehicle must be charged with the refriger-
ant HFC-134a (R-134a) and the oil, NISSAN
A/C system oil Type R (MR18DE with
manual or automatic transmission only) ,
Type S (MR18DE with CVT only) or the exact
The use of any other refrigerant or oil will
cause severe damage to the air condition-
ing system and will require the replace-
ment of all air conditioner system
The refrigerant HFC-134a (R-134a) in your
NISSAN vehicle does not harm the earth’s ozone
layer. Although this refrigerant does not affect the
earth’s atmosphere, certain government regula-
tions require the recovery and recycling of any
refrigerant during automotive air conditioner sys-
tem service. A NISSAN dealer has the trained
technicians and equipment needed to recover
and recycle your air conditioner system refriger-
Contact a NISSAN dealer when servicing your air
conditioner system.
9-6Technical and consumer information